Modern Slavery Policy


Global Recruit Co (GRC) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and social responsibility. As part of this commitment, we have developed this Modern Slavery Policy to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking have no place in our operations or supply chains. We are dedicated to identifying, preventing, and addressing any form of modern slavery within our organisation and those with whom we do business.

Policy Statement:

1. Definition of Modern Slavery:

Modern slavery encompasses various forms of exploitation, including forced labor, human trafficking, debt bondage, and child labor. It involves situations where individuals are coerced, deceived, or manipulated to work under exploitative conditions, often without the freedom to leave or control over their working conditions.

2. Commitment:

GCR is committed to upholding the following principles:

a) Zero Tolerance: We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery in all its forms, whether within our organisation or our supply chains.

b) Compliance with Laws: We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to modern slavery, including the Modern Slavery Act (or relevant legislation in your jurisdiction).

c) Transparent and Ethical Practices: We will conduct business with integrity and ethical standards, ensuring that our employees, suppliers, and business partners share our commitment to eradicating modern slavery.

d) Continuous Improvement: We will continuously review and improve our policies, procedures, and processes to prevent and detect any instances of modern slavery.

3. Responsibilities:

a) Board of Directors: The Board of Directors will take overall responsibility for ensuring the implementation and effectiveness of this Modern Slavery Policy.

b) Employees: All employees are responsible for familiarising themselves with and adhering to this policy. They are encouraged to report any concerns related to modern slavery promptly through the appropriate channels.

c) Suppliers and Business Partners: We require our suppliers and business partners to comply with our policy and adopt anti-slavery measures in their operations and supply chains.

d) Employers: All employers are responsible for informing their teams about prevention of modern slavery. They are required to identify and address modern slavery risks in a timely and relevant manner.

4. Risk Assessment and Due Diligence:

We will conduct risk assessments to identify areas where modern slavery may be more likely to occur. This assessment will include evaluations of our supply chains, business relationships, and geographical regions of operation. As part of our due diligence process, we will evaluate potential and existing suppliers and business partners to ensure they meet our ethical standards and adhere to applicable laws and regulations concerning modern slavery.

5. Training and Awareness:

We will provide training to our employees, employers, migrants (everyone registered with GRC) and those in our supply chains, to raise awareness of modern slavery and the importance of complying with this policy. This training will help them recognise the signs of exploitation and understand their roles in preventing and addressing modern slavery.

6. Reporting and Whistleblowing:

Employees, migrants, employers and stakeholders are encouraged to report any suspicions or concerns regarding modern slavery through their employer, our welfare support program or the “Confidentiality Corner – Whistleblower Reporting Portal” on the GRC website. We will treat all reports confidentially and investigate them promptly.

7. Compliance and Consequences:

Failure to comply with this Modern Slavery Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or the termination of a business relationship with a supplier or business partner found to be involved in modern slavery.

Review and Updates:

This Modern Slavery Policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Any updates or changes to this policy will be communicated to all employees, suppliers, and relevant stakeholders.

GRC is committed to creating a transparent and responsible business environment, free from modern slavery. Together, we can make a difference in eradicating this heinous crime and promoting human rights and dignity.


Claire Negus

Co-Founder & CEO

Global Recruit Co